Ancient Warfare 3 Devblog 37

Posted on 22 July 2017 by Jannik

Day night options, new objects, new weapons, horses, improvements and more...

Limited ammo

The ammo of the player is now limited. By default he will get enough ammo for 3 mags for each weapon. If there is ammo in the current magazine left and you drop it, the ammo won't be lost.

In addition there is a new equipment item, the ammo kit.

You can drop it and if you stay in it's range, you will slowly pickup some ammo for your weapons.

New weapons

I'veĀ  created a few more weapons:

  • MG 200
    • A lmg with 7.62mm ammo and a low firerate with much damage
  • MP 40
    • A fast 9mm machine pistol
  • F226
    • A small 9mm semi automatic pistol

Metal guard towers

The new towers have more health than the wooden guard towers to withstand longer and tougher battles.

Concrete barricades

There are now three different concrete barricades in the game to allow a few more options on how to build abase

Time of day

Instead of choosing between night and day, you can now adjust the time to play in the sunset or sunrise. This changes the overall look of the game:


I started to work on the horses. They will be more useful than in AW2. The player can use melee weapons, aim with ranged weapons or throw grenades from them.

The AI will be much better, too, but more about that in the next devblog.

Other improvements

  • Despawn speed can now be adjusted in the settings
  • You can now aim in first person
  • Increased aim angle will allow more movement while aiming
  • Bullet impact sounds are now in game
  • Improved performance because bullets will now use an object pool
  • Ambient Occlusion improvements will stop the flickering on Nvidia GPUs


I spend many time to fix many bugs to improve the experience in the first public release.

This is a list of the most relevant ones:

  • Weapon interactions sometimes didn't work
  • Player was able to shoot in paus menu
  • HUD messages were at the wrong positions
  • Wrong head rotation after aiming in first person
  • Player won't longer fly around fater getting killed
  • Lists didn't show all items
  • The pause menu could be opened while loading a battle

In addition I fixed many game crashes that occured while loading a battle.


Medikits might be a game changer. You can carry them with you and drop it. The kit will heal units near it. The maximum amount a medikit can heal is 300.

Release date

Early access will start on 1st August 2017